Friday, May 21, 2010

So I got an invite and had to go for an evening of information session. It was still pretty early in the season,well April ,so it gets dark early still,right? I only live 20 minutes away from the center but I didn't want to be looking for this place in the dark,cause well I suck at night time driving. Especially when trying to locate new places and this place is out in the country side where there are no street lights. So I showed up about 5 hrs early (well I was freaking excited man!) and thought while I am here I should knock on the door and introduce I did turns out "the grand poo-bah" her self answered the door ! I introduced myself and said I was coming tonight and just wanted to make sure I knew where I was going....she looked confused I could see her wheels turning like "what kind of person are you and can't you see I'm busy here?" She smiled,shook my hand and said thats great I got to go we have lots of animals to take care of." I left and felt kind of stupid but I really didn't care I was just so glad to find this place even though I had no idea at the time it was going to change my life for ever.

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