Friday, May 21, 2010

Drive out again this time for real....

So I drive out again this time for real. I was surprisingly more welcome the second time I showed up....hmm I was early not 5 hrs early but early!! "Good I think I have left a good impression on these people!"Well I left an impression all right but I was still wondering if they thought I was completely insane but that's not far from the truth! They fed us and there were a lot of people there. Gave us a talk saying they were keeping track on paper of us all making notes of people who didn't show up were not getting in and that they also noted those who were early ironically she looked right at me as she said that.I just smiled.Then she showed us a slide show of animals we could expect to see and their condition,it was very sad and down right gross. A lot of people moaned and groaned being very vocal I sat in silence shocked I hadn't realized how much human interference there could possibly be but there it was,no denying it!
I had a re pore with one of the staff members instantly and talked with her to great lengths after,turns out she interviewed me some weeks after that evening......
Then there was the waiting game almost a month and just when I gave up I came home one night and asked my hubby if anyone called he said "Yeah some girl from a wildlife center or something like that." Well I almost fell over "Really what did they say?!"You have to call. So I did I was almost in the air I'll never forget when they asked me if I was still interested in volunteering there I said"Of course oh my god I would love to!!" She said well then welcome aboard!" I jumped up and down for I don't know how long after I hung up I think I did a couple laps around the house yelling "Yes I'm in,yes I'm in!!!!"You know 5 yrs later when they ask me to do something I still answer the same way "Oh my gosh I would love to!"
So I got an invite and had to go for an evening of information session. It was still pretty early in the season,well April ,so it gets dark early still,right? I only live 20 minutes away from the center but I didn't want to be looking for this place in the dark,cause well I suck at night time driving. Especially when trying to locate new places and this place is out in the country side where there are no street lights. So I showed up about 5 hrs early (well I was freaking excited man!) and thought while I am here I should knock on the door and introduce I did turns out "the grand poo-bah" her self answered the door ! I introduced myself and said I was coming tonight and just wanted to make sure I knew where I was going....she looked confused I could see her wheels turning like "what kind of person are you and can't you see I'm busy here?" She smiled,shook my hand and said thats great I got to go we have lots of animals to take care of." I left and felt kind of stupid but I really didn't care I was just so glad to find this place even though I had no idea at the time it was going to change my life for ever.


This little guy was separated from his mama we will raise him and teach him how to hunt until he is bigger and able to look after himself

Friday, May 14, 2010