Thursday, February 18, 2010

In the beggining

Welcome to Sparky's world.This is the beginning. I sobered up 10 years ago and I say this is the beginning because it was only then that I truely started to appreciate and realize the vast world around me. I spent the first 5 years shaking cob webs and such.Then my Husband Darryl found an ad in the Airdrie Echo they were doing their annual recruitment for volunteers at a wild life center out in Madden called Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation. Also known as AIWC. My hubby left it out for me because I had been going threw so many jobs......I don't play well with other humans! Well I fell in love with what they were doing and it pretty much consumed my life.A new and healthy addiction that Darryl allowed me to throw my self into! I was only there 3 years when I took on an Internship at the center and it was the first time in my life where I couldn't wait to get there and see what I could see! I learned alot and asked a lot of questions! So important in rehab. I still have lots of questions I hope that never ends because that should mean I'm dead.I alway tackled each task given with vigor and much care for thier (the animals)best interest.Being there has had a lot to do with the changes I've implemented into my life. The three R's are recycle,rehab and resist meat!!!! I learned how Chickens are housed and treated it is not cool! I just am very protective and emotional when it comes to all living creatures here on Earth. So I will enlighten you with some stories of my own experiences and try to catch up to where I am at today.

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